When you are hosting an international event or conference that requires multilingual interpretation but you lack the experience or time to put together a suitable team of interpreters or to make the necessary technical arrangements, you can always contact us and a professional interpreter-expert will gladly assist you in the matter.
In such cases, please provide the following information:
- The time and place of the event;
- The topic of the event;
- Languages to/from which interpretation is required;
- Any specific particulars of the event (whether any visual materials will be used, whether the speaker plans to walk around the audience, etc.);
- Any other additional services required (interpretation for receptions, press conferences, etc.).
If you need help putting together a team of interpreters, please contact Monika Matulevičiūtė, tel. +370 686 72345, e-mail: m.matuleviciute@gmail.com.